Using the Monthly Recurring Revenue Report Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is a measure of your predictable revenue stream. MRR is used to report performance across dissimilar subscriptions terms, to get a general idea of how your business is doing. MRR should not be treated as GAAP revenue.This report lists and totals various monthly accrual-based service plan revenue for past, current, and future subscription growth. For example, an annual service of $1,200/year would be expressed as $100/month for 12 months starting from the period start date.The totals include any service discounts, as they can generally effect the expected long-term value of the service. The report does not include one-time fees, refunds, credits, coupons, or taxes.Accessing the Monthly Recurring Revenue ReportFrom the Ubersmith Dashboard, click Reports. The Reports & Stats page appears.On the Reports & Stats page, click the Reports & Stats panel arrows to toggle the panel on. You can click the pushpin icon to keep the panel permanently displayed.From the Client Manager section, click Monthly Recurring Revenue . The Monthly Recurring Revenue report appears.Reading the Monthly Recurring Revenue ReportOnce you access the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) report, there are two ways to view your revenue, growth and total MRR.Reading MRR GrowthThe MMR Growth section contains details for your monthly MRR growth broken down with statistics, listed in the table below.A bar graph displays each period’s volume and it's growth rate with respect to the previous period. Hovering over a bar displays monthly new business, expansion, contraction, churn and net growth breakdowns.A numeric table shows you the specific figures, with links to open popup windows that lists specific details about the total, such as clients, dollar amounts, what type of revenue, and dates.Statistic NameStatistic DefinitionNew BusinessNew clients first month of accrued billable services.ExpansionExisting clients with additional or increased service revenue from previous month.ContractionExisting clients with removed or decreased service revenue from previous month.ChurnClients who cancel services or the total value of their billable services drops to zero.Net GrowthChange in net MRR (new business expansion - contraction – churn) from previous month.Net Growth RatePercentage change in net growth from previous month.Gross ChurnTotal loss of revenue (churn contraction) for the month.Gross Churn RatePercentage change in gross churn from previous month.Net ChurnTotal loss of revenue offset by expansion (gross churn – expansion) for the month.Net Churn RatePercentage change in net churn from previous month.Reading Total MRRThe Total MRR section contains details for your monthly MRR totals. A bar graph shows your monthly totals visually, while a numeric table shows you the specific figure. Hovering over a bar also displays the specific figure.Viewing Service Plan RevenueAccess the Monthly Recurring Revenue report.In the Service Plans field, select the specific service plan you want to see revenue for. The Monthly Recurring Revenue report refreshes with that information.Viewing Revenue for Specific DatesAccess the Monthly Recurring Revenue report.In the From field, enter the beginning date of the date range you need.In the To field, enter the ending date of the date range you need.Click the arrow icon. The report with revenue within your specified date range appears.